Pop Culture

New York Times: The End of Courtship?

A couple of weeks ago I read an article in the New York Times titled “The End of Courtship “(http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/13/fashion/the-end-of-courtship.html?pagewanted=all). Essentially, the article discusses how dating norms have changed due to the social norms and economic uncertainty. I think the economic strife facing many single adults play a much more critical role in the courtship process than social norms. Now, I am no expert on courtship because I have not been in the “Courtship” game for sometime because I am married. In my opinion the art of seduction is a timeless ritual that may change overtime, but I am firm believer that courtship is an essential part of the relationship and even though it may change the opposite sex still wants to be romanced.

However, I understand that money may be tight for many 20 and 30 year olds and you have to be creative and use the times to come up with cost effective dates. I think sites such as living social (http://www.livingsocial.com/) and Groupon (http://www.groupon.com/) can assist in the courtship process for young adults strapped for cash.

MLK Day: What does it mean to me?

Martin Luther King Day is not just another day of in the month of January. Martin Luther King Day, in my opinion, is not just a day to support MLK but also, all of the Civil Rights Workers that came before, during, and after the Civil Rights Movement. While at the University of Florida (www.ufl.edu) one of the best classes I took was the Civil Rights Movement with Dr. Brian Ward. This was an eye opening and insightful class in terms of learning about the Civil Rights Movement from 1954-1964. There were many individuals of many different colors, races, and religions that participated in and assisted in the Civil Rights Movement.

As a result of my education and life experience, Martin Luther King Day is a day for us to take time and remember all of the individuals who aided and supported the Civil Rights for African Americans and one of those individuals was Martin Luther King, Jr.

Should Teachers be Armed in School?

After the horrific events that took place last month at Sandy Hook Elementary local Central Florida school districts are debating whether or not teachers should be armed. (http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news/local&id=8954780) Lake County is debating whether or not their teachers should have guns in the classroom. (http://www.clickorlando.com/news/Lake-County-School-Board-debates-arming-teachers/-/1637132/18121518/-/seo2tfz/-/index.html) As a former teacher, I understand the goal of protecting students and educating students, however, is arming teachers with guns really the way to make schools safer? As of now the Lake County School district WILL NOT equip their teachers with guns.( http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/os-school-teachers-guns-20130114,0,2831868.story)

I think this is the right decision reached by the Lake County School Board Members because guns in the classroom will do more harm than good. Furthermore, other avenues to protect students and school employees should be examined along with the cost and harm of each option(s).

A Man, A Dog, and An Oppossum... Which One is a Human?

A Volusia County man is being charged with felony animal cruelty. According to new reports, Alan McCarty tried to have his dog and an opossum fight in a cage. (http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breakingnews/os-opossum-beaten-decapitated-20130110,0,4407016.story) However, since the two creatures did not engage in fighting one another, Mr. McCarty decided to take the opossum out of the cage and brutalize the animal (this proves my theory that animals are smarter than many people). Mr. McCarty allegedly stomped on the opossum and than decapitated the animal with an ax. As if the brutality of the living life was not enough, Mr. McCarty allegedly did not even take responsibility for his actions, but instead he allegedly tried to blame his girlfriend. (http://www.wesh.com/news/central-florida/volusia-county/Man-lured-opossum-to-fight-with-dog-deputies-say/-/12983450/18079692/-/wjd0a7z/-/index.html?absolute=true) Ultimately, if these facts are proven to be true, I believe this is a situation where the defendant should face the maximum penalty allowed with felony animal cruelty and he should not be allowed to own an animal for the rest his life.( http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0800-0899/0828/Sections/0828.12.html) Owning an animal should be a privilege and not a right that should be given to every person.

Hope Springs: A Good Movie for Couples? ( A Must See)

The basic premise of this movie centers around a couple who has been married for 25+ years and the subtle issues that arise during their marriage. Essentially, the wife wants her husband and herself to go to therapy so they can work on their marriage, but he does not feel there is anything to work on in their marriage.

Marriage is just like any relationship, except a marriage entails a contractual relationship where a “break up” is called a divorce or a separation. Marriage is also unique because there is a physical, emotional, mental, and friendship connection, and when one of the elements are missing the relationship will have issues; sometimes those issues will manifest into bigger problems.

The bottom line is if you are married BOTH parties have to WORK on the relationship and if BOTH parties do not WORK on the marriage it will go down a dark and sad road that may or may not lead to divorce.

“Damini” Dies as a Result of Gang Rape.

The name of the victim of a brutal gang rape in India has not been disclosed but the public is calling her “Damini,” which means "lightning" in Hindi. (http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/28/world/asia/india-rape-victim/index.html) Unfortunately, the 23-year-old student passed away due to a horrific gang rape that took place on a bus in New Delhi. There have been six arrests so far in the investigation, but what is going to happen now that the victim has died? (http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/damini-case-accused-will-get-maximum-punishment-says-antony/1/240469.html) One of the questions that remains is what changes will occur as a result of this tragedy? Will this change how rapes are reported in India? Will this change the actions of police in India? Ideally, the country and world will take notice so that changes may occur and this 23 year old, being referred to as “Damini,” will not have died in vain. Hopefully the media and public outrage will bring awareness and a system of accountability to the citizens of India.

India and Violence

For a 23 year old student who is hanging on for life after a brutal gang rape in Delhi, India there are still no answers. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-20848722) According to the BBC there has been a 5th arrest in this particular incident; what will ultimately happen to the victim and the accusers? (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-20807526) As students continue to protest and clash with local police what will be the end result of all of this? (http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/27/world/asia/india-rape-protests/index.html) Anytime in society where there is a class of citizens that feel that they are not protected or treated equally, there will be unrest until equality prevails. There have been over 600 rapes in Delhi alone, and these are only those that have been reported. The government needs to make sure that all of their citizens are safe or you will continue to have these horrific acts and the people will only tolerate this behavior for so long.

Custody and Technology

Gone are the days of just the good old fashion phone. Generally today most courts allow daily contact between children and parents. Sometimes, that contact may be by phone, skype, email, or other advances in technology. With the advances to technology parents can have a closer and a more effective relationship with the child, even if the child is with the other parent. Many parents have embraced the technology, because not only can they speak to their child, but they can actually see their child via programs such as a Skype. These advances in technology have not only allowed for better relationships, but also sometimes assist in making sure everyone is on the same page.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes: Who has Jurisdiction?

California or New York - which lucky court and which lucky judge will be the one interpreting the prenuptial agreement of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes or be in charge of the court proceedings? The concept of Jurisdiction deals with which court has the authority to hear and rule on the matters at hand. Each state has its own laws when it comes to divorce, even though they may have similar laws; the biggest issue in this case, like many high profile cases, deals with privacy issues.

No one wants their personal issues to be aired out in the courtroom but more importantly I do not think either party wants the media to be in the courtroom for the blow for blow. ( that includes Tom and Katie)

In the state of New York, files can be sealed and the public may have limited access to the divorce proceeding; however, in California, the privacy rights are not as stringent.

Generally, each state has its own requirements for Jurisdiction. For example, in Florida, in order to obtain a divorce either party has to be a resident of the State of Florida for at least 6 months, along with other factors needing to be met for the dissolution.

Also, if there was a prenuptial agreement, it may have a provision as to which state may have jurisdiction and/or how the divorce will play out, at least to the financial concerns; the child may be another story.

Domestic Violence and Money Mayweather

Domestic Violence and Money Mayweather

Although we may not know exactly what happened between Money Mayweather and the mother of his children back in 2010, he has pled guilty to domestic battery. No matter what happened in September 2010, Money Mayweather is facing a 3-month sentence in the Clark County Detention Center.

Regardless of your personal thoughts on the Mayweather domestic battery case, the bottom line is Domestic Violence is a HUGE problem. The overwhelming majority of clients I encounter have been in some form or another involved with domestic violence (men and women). Whether or not you think domestic violence is a REAL EPIDEMIC, it is never right to hit your partner regardless of the situation.